Be strong in the Lord
Putting on the “armor of God,” as we all know, is not about conventional weaponry or protection but rather it is about using truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and God’s word to defeat the evil we encounter. The evil confronting us might be found in our home, community, city, state, nation, or the world. We know that peace, love, and kindness can conquer even the most evil behaviors we can encounter.
This newly composed, very singable, anthem sets this beautiful text from Ephesians 6:10-18 to a rather modern yet liturgical score for high and low voices, be they treble or lower voices, divided. Both SA and TB scores are included with this work. This important biblical passage is often missing from lectionary cycles in both the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches, yet it is an important reminder of what it means to be Christian during challenging circumstances.
Your singers will enjoy learning this as a repertoire piece, and your organist will enjoy playing the bold accompaniment.
May duplicate and distribute as needed to use in a worship service or educational program. May be streamed and recorded as a part of a worship service if it is available to all viewers / listeners without cost. This work may not be performed or recorded for hire or for monetary gain without express permission. ASCAP royalty findings apply to for-profit performances or recordings.